The Shadow Mecha was a robot built by the Chief in order to defeat Freddy and his friends. When the Chief was told that his shadow army is being defeated, he had his troops initiate project S.S. He activates the Shadow Mecha from the inside and marches into battle. While in battle it rips off the head of the stay puft marshmallow man. Godzilla comes in and attacks the Shadow mecha for 2 hours until Freddy decided to stop it himself. He takes the opening when the Shadow mecha is knocked down. When Freddy deactivates it, Godzilla takes his chance and destroys it.
Throughout SSR pieces of it can be scattered throughout the place. It is also revealed that the Chief revealed the blueprints of it to Springtrap. The Shadow Mecha is rebuilt by the Chief with his gauntlet in case the crew came back in order to defeat them. The Shadow Mecha helps the Chief and QXR surround the crew. Godzilla comes in and attacks the Shadow Mecha again and tries to destroy him with the laser again, but his suit appears to be more blast resistant now. They once again have a very long battle as Gozilla finally defeats it when everyone returns from being deceased. The shadow mecha returns to have not been fully killed by Godzilla after everyone but Freddy is taken by the Observer. He blasts freddy with his laser, but faiils as the Mighty Jimmy saves Freddy. The Mighty Jimmy distracts the Shadow Mecha as Freddy does his escape, but he is slapped into a building and crushed. The Shadow mecha makes it to the portal before Freddy does, blocking it. But the Observer bashes his head through its chest and pulls him back. When he goes to fire at Freddy who is running at the tank, the observer uses another hand to pull back its head, making it miss. Freddy starts aiming at its hand so it will be dragged into the void but then shoots at it's laser eye, catching the Observer's attention and letting go of the Shadow Mecha and instead taking Freddy. It gives one last roar before Freddy is pulled in and it presumably explodes.